Daily VS Monthly Lenses: Which Is Best for You?

By Adasat Dotcom  •   4 minute read

Daily VS Monthly Lenses

Daily contacts have seen a surge in popularity over the last decade. Approximately 45 million people wear contact lenses in America only! A number that’s been steadily increasing due to evolving technology that has made them more comfortable and easier to use.

What Are Daily Contact Lenses?

Also known as daily disposable, they are to be worn for one day only then discarded and replaced by a fresh new pair the next day. They are much thinner and therefore more comfortable and breathable; that’s what makes them a popular choice amongst contact wearers especially those with sensitive eyes.
Note: Many lens wearers attempt to prolong the life span of daily disposable lenses by cleaning them using the disinfecting solution and wearing them for multiple days instead of discarding them after 1 use which can be dangerous and can lead to complications.
Remember, the material of the lens is not made of a matrix that allows cleaning and doing that only increases the risk of eye diseases and infections.

What Are Monthly Contact Lenses?

Monthly contacts are simply contacts you can wear for a month before replacing them with a new lens. These contacts are available under 2 categories: daily-wear and extended-wear.


Don’t confuse ‘’daily disposable’’ with “daily-wear” lenses, it’s two completely different types.
Daily wear lenses are made to be used during the day only, not to sleep with at night. It may be wearable for up to a week, 2 weeks, or a month depending on the label of the lenses.
Daily-wear lenses are made of materials that are resistant to germs, bacteria, build-ups, protein, and debris that occurs with wearing contacts which makes them perfect for reuse. These lenses are designed to be cleaned and disinfected without any risk of damaging the lens or the eye.


If you want the convenience of not having to remove your contacts while sleeping, extended lenses will do the job. This type can be worn continuously without the need of removing them during the night.
With the advent of silicone hydrogel lenses, which are better at letting oxygen through the lens to your eyes, extended-wear lenses can be worn up to 30 days straight. This makes monthly wear contact lenses available for both daytime use and extended overnight wear.
Note: Extended-wear lenses are designed to be worn continuously. However, they do carry a risk of infection, therefore, eye care professionals recommend removing them after 7 days of continuous use to clean them before reusing.

Eye Fatigue

While your eyes are adjusting to wearing contact lenses, it’s normal to blink profusely or have watery eyes. This tends to stop after a couple of days of getting used to your lenses.
After several applications, you’ll be able to assess what feels like “normal blinking.” If you feel discomfort after inserting your contact lenses, remove them and re-wet them before trying again. This stops most mild discomfort.

Daily vs. Monthly Contacts:

Your prescription plays a big role to determine whether you choose monthly or daily contact lenses. However, If your prescription is available in both dailies and monthlies, these are some factors to consider:


Hygiene is guaranteed with daily contact lenses. Since you wear a new pair every day, there’s less time for a build-up of deposits which can cause eye infections. For lens wearers who experience discomfort from dry sensitive eyes, daily contact lenses are considered to be the best option. However, if you can handle a good lens care routine you can go for monthlies.


For those with very busy lifestyles, daily contacts are more suitable since they require quite literally zero care commitment. Meanwhile, monthly contact lenses need to be cleaned and stored properly overnight before their next use.

Monthly Cost

The cost of daily contacts can be significantly different from monthly lenses. Daily contact lenses can be more expensive if you use at least one pair a day. Monthly lenses, on the other hand, have a more reasonable price compared to daily lenses.

Frequency of Wearing Contacts

If you do not use contact lenses every day but need them for special events or sports, dailies may be more suitable for you. Meanwhile, if you are a regular lens wearer, then it’s more cost-effective to go for monthlies.
You can always get a sample pair for each daily and monthly contact lens in order to figure out for yourself which type you are most comfortable with.
In case you still can’t decide by yourself, you can speak with your optometrist to help you make the choice between the two types. Once you’re ready for your next contact lenses purchase, you can then browse all the different branded contact lenses available for you.

If Needed, Seek Professional Care

If you experience blurry vision, red eyes, irritation, or sensitivity to light, it’s a sign that the lenses are not suitable for you. Remove your lenses and see an eye care professional near you immediately.
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